Whole30: Day 22
By Jen Lewis
Clean eating!? Crazy.
Okay but seriously, this is amazing. The past twenty-two days have been legitimately life-changing.
Let me tell this story...
February 15, Tif and I decide it's time for a competition. She's about to start Isagenix, and I'm needing to lose (a lot more than) a couple pounds.
We begin on February 22nd. Fast forward to March 21st (because it's really not that exciting of a story), where I've lost 9.5 pounds, I feel AMAZING, I have the energy to run again, my skin is clearing up, and I like the way I look in my bikini again.
Guys. Do it. Don't even think about it, just do it.
The cravings stop after week one, and when you freeze bananas, it's JUST like ice cream (promise).